These series and movies are changing perceptions of Africa in the media.

The eerie and exquisite photographic rendition of “My Life in the Bush of Ghosts” by Cristina de Middel blends reportage and fiction.

The eerie and exquisite photographic rendition of “My Life in the Bush of Ghosts” by Cristina de Middel blends reportage and fiction.
My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, written by Nigerian novelist Amos Tutuola, was hailed worldwide for its inventive interpretation of Nigerian folklore when it was originally published in 1954. At home, however, the Yoruba folktale—about a boy who flees from war into a forbidden world of ghosts and spirits—was largely dismissed by the intellectual elite.
They believed the childish, imaginative language deviated from the “proper English” that had been instilled in them from their colonialist past.
Publicity However, Tutuola’s story had a magical quality because of that lighthearted linguistic remix.