Our Folktales: The All-Time Favourite Folktales of Asia is a regional
Our Folktales: The All-Time Favourite Folktales of Asia is a regional collaborative project spanning eight former Asian Festival of Children’s Content (AFCC) Countries of Focus. It includes eight beloved and popular illustrated stories from China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Singapore, compiled and adapted in both print and digital formats. This is a compilation of timeless folktales that will captivate both the young and the young in heart as they journey through mystical forests of imagination, oceans of wonder and amazement, and worlds beyond that feel familiar. The book may be purchased at Closetful of Books, the official festival bookstore of AFCC.What began as a simple appeal for regional collaboration has grown into a special compilation of all-time great folktales that covers shared narratives and emphasises cultural connectedness among contributing nations. Our Folktales: The All-Time Favourite Folktales of Asia is a regional collaborative project spanning eight former Asian Festival of Children’s Content (AFCC) Countries of Focus. It includes eight beloved and popular illustrated stories from China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Singapore, compiled and adapted in both print and digital formats. This collection of ageless folktales will undoubtedly fascinate both the young and the young at heart, as they wander through mysterious forests of imagination, oceans of wonder and amazement, and realms beyond that feel close to